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Handgun Selection - Holster Selection - Ammunition Selection - Long Gun Selection - Instructor Selection
Role of the Wrist - Point Shooting - Shooting with Flashlights - Night Sights and Lasers - The Naked Emperor
Deadly Force - A Winning Attitude - Just Say Nothing? - S.P. Wenger Credentials - Useful Links
Favorite Quotations on the RKBA, politics and life in general



  • As cap-and-ball revolvers developed, the common calibers originated as a function of how many balls of equal size could be cast from a pound of lead:
    • Revolvers designed for balls of 150 to the pound were designated .31 caliber and marketed as pocket pistols.
    • Revolvers designed for balls of 100 to the pound were designated .36 caliber and marketed as Navy pistols, intended for holster carry and use primarily on human targets.
    • Revolvers designed for balls of 50 to the pound were designated .44 caliber and marketed as Army pistols, intended for potential use against a cavalryman's horse.
  • As metallic cartridges developed, the caliber designations changed to the approximate diameter of the cartridge case, with .31 caliber becoming .32 caliber and .36 caliber becoming .38 caliber; in .44, the bullets ended up reduced to about .43 caliber, with the cases measuring close to .46 caliber.



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copyright © 1999-2024 by Stephen P. Wenger

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This Site & Its Logo Common Sense? Basic Concepts Firearms Safety ~Street vs. Range
Handgun Selection Holster Selection Ammunition Selection Long Gun Selection Instructor Selection
Role of the Wrist Point Shooting Shooting with Flashlights Night Sights and Lasers The Naked Emperor
Deadly Force? A Winning Attitude Just Say Nothing? S.P. Wenger Credentials Useful Links

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Stephen P. Wenger
P.O. Box 4227
Show Low AZ 85902-4227